miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

Daily report. Day 1.

Day 1
Today we are starting a new section about our routines in Salduero, presenting two daily reports by Ramsés, África and Nerea.
Ramsés got up at eight, got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast in the lunchroom. After that he brushed his teeth and had free time in the playground. in the English class they played a trivial game and watched a video about a country with no water and learned about the cycle of water. Finally he and his mates played a geocatching game with GPS devices.
In his opinion this was a little boring, because he prefers speaking English with the monitors outside and playing football.
After lunch he went to the ecoproyect workshop and started up a political party to help proptecting the planet Earth. At five he participated in a sport tournament, an hor and a half with the teachers and he had a shower before dinner.
He enjoyed the tournament but he didn't like the movie. he learned words like thirst and behaviour and a new instruction: don't kick the basket ball with the feet.
He says that it was a sunny and hot day, but it was cold in the evening. 
Monday, November 9th.

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